Range Frequently Asked Questions.
Yes, everyone is welcome to shoot with us. If you know you are prohibited from owning or purchasing a firearm, unfortunately, you are not allowed to shoot here. We believe Cindy’s Hot Shots is our area’s premier gun store, gun range, and firearms training facility.
Walk-in lane rental is $25 per lane for the first shooter, and $12.50 for an additional shooter on the same lane up to a total of 3 or 4 shooters depending on how busy we are at the time. We also have memberships available; please click HERE to learn more.
For two people coming to the range and needing to rent everything a rough cost breakdown is below:
1st Shooter for 1 hour: | $25 |
2nd Shooter for 1 hour: | $12.50 |
Eye and/or ear protection: | $5 per shooter |
Firearm rental: | $15 |
Targets: | $1.5-2 per target |
Ammo varies dependent on caliber, using 9mm as an example: | $23 *as of 12/24 |
Assuming 2 targets are used and 1 box of 9mm ammunition the total would be: | $88 |
Unfortunately not. According to federal and state laws, anyone who meets the criteria below is a prohibited person and therefore is not allowed to possess, handle, or purchase a firearm.
- Being convicted of: a crime of violence, a classified felony, conspiracy to commit a felony, a crime that resulted in imprisonment of more than two years, or adjudicated delinquent by a juvenile court for one of the above crimes while under 30 years old.
- If one is considered a: fugitive from justice, a habitual drunkard, or an addict or habitual user of a controlled dangerous substance.
- If one is suffering from a mental disorder and has a history of violent behavior, has been confined due to a mental disorder for 30 days or more, or has been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility as defined under state law.
- If one has been found incompetent to stand trial, or “not criminally responsible” under state law.
- If one is under the protection of a guardian as appointed by the court (with an exception if guardianship is based solely on a physical disability).
- If one is the subject of a civil protection order or an order for protection that has been issued by the court.
At our Glen Burnie Location - Yes, rifles and shotguns are okay.
.300 Win mag without prior notice. If you would like to shoot a larger caliber, up to .50bmg, please let us know beforehand. We ask this as a courtesy to our other shooters.
At our Severn Location - Yes, rifles are okay. Shotguns are not allowed.
Unless you possess an HQL or bring your own handgun you can't rent a handgun alone.
To rent a handgun you must be 21 years of age or older. To rent a rifle or a long gun you must be 18 years of age or older.
Yes. It is preferred that you bring your firearms cased or bagged. All firearms not in cases or bags must be cleared with the bolt, slide or cylinder open so range staff can inspect them upon entering the building.
We do not offer reservations. However, if you are a member AND we are on a wait at the time of your call, we will add you to the wait list.
Safety is our number 1 priority here at Cindy’s Hot Shots! Cindy’s Hot Shots has an RSO (Range Safety Officer) to ensure that our customers utilizing the range are being safe and following the rules of the range. Staff is always aware of firearms entering and exiting the buildings. We expect all guns to be cased when inside the facility. Before being given a rental firearm, a staff member will give new shooters a safety demo to ensure understanding of firearm safety and firearm use.
Children can shoot as young as 12 years old as long as they are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. We reserve the right to judge the situation based on each case.
Yes you can bring your own ammo. HOWEVER, you may NOT use armor-piercing, tracers, bi-metal jacket, steel core or bird shot. We will check your ammo with a magnet at check in. If the tip of the projectile reacts to the magnet you can NOT shoot it here and will be asked to place it back in your vehicle. You may bring in your own paper targets designed for range use.
No, you may not shoot black powder in our range.
We have a total of 24 25-yard lanes.
At our Glen Burnie Location - Yes, rifles and shotguns are okay.
You may shoot your shotgun at Glen Burnie. We allow slugs on every lane and we allow 00 buckshot ONLY on lanes 3 thru 7. BIRDSHOT is NEVER allowed.
At our Severn Location - Handgun and rifle caliber only.
We encourage people new to shooting to come to Cindy’s to begin their familiarization with firearms. We have a good selection of rental firearms available for new shooters. Depending on the time of day and what day of the week you come to Cindy’s, someone would be able to assist you in selecting a firearm and getting an understanding of how the range works and firearm safety.
We recommend no more than 2-3 rifles. As for handguns, it is recommended that you bring no more than that which can fit inside a large range bag. Each lane has limited space, and we want to prevent gear/bags from being placed on the ground around the shooter’s feet. Ultimately it is a safety issue and we reserve the right to correct such situations.
You must case and uncase your firearms in the lane with the muzzle pointed down range. Once cased you may place the case against the back wall of the range. - IF IT IS A RENTAL FIREARM
- For handguns, please remove the magazine, lock the slide to the rear and place the firearm in the basket. Bring it out of the range and return it to the range staff or exchange it for another firearm.
- For rifles and long guns remove the magazine, if possible, please lock the slide/action to the rear showing a clear chamber. Then carry the firearm barrel pointed downward out of the range and return it to the range staff or exchange it for another firearm.
I had a good, great, or bad experience. Who can I contact?
We would love to hear from you at [email protected] or feel free to message us on any of our social media platforms. We also love hearing your feedback via Yelp, Google reviews or other review platforms!